
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Drawing Conclusion

Screenshot from 2014-05-06 11:41:49.png      quiz.png
Walt: draw conclusions.

To play this game I had to read the story then click take test.

I was a little difficult because I got mixed up and forgotten some of the sentences in the story. I wasn’t happy with my other results then I tooked the test again. I played it two times and this was my final results. I am getting better and better at this quiz. What I want to learn next is how to put my apostrophe in the right place.


Anonymous said...

Kia Orana Langa
I'm really relieved that you would want to learn how to place your apostrophe. I have problems with placing my apostrophe in sentences. I think that is great that you're getting better and better at this. More you practise you achieve isn't that right? Well done Langa :) ! Your doing well.

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